Addiction Treatment in Shelton, Connecticut
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Looking for Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab in Shelton, Connecticut?
Addiction Treatment in Shelton, Connecticut is a top notch residential facility that offers treatment for people addicted to drugs. The center offers services and programs for both residential and outpatient treatment. Services provided at the facility include behavioral treatment, family therapy, individual and group therapy, and group counseling sessions.
Some of the drug addiction treatment centers are licensed, which is why they offer the services that the state requires. When a person goes to the center, he can expect treatment for all the aspects of the drug addiction. People who have gone through these drug treatment centers have said that the services provided by these centers are effective in terms of reducing the symptoms and the addictive behaviors of the patients. Those who have gone through these centers are highly satisfied with the quality of the treatment that was offered.
The services provided by the drug addiction treatment centers at Shelton, Connecticut are comprehensive. This means that you will be able to receive treatment for all the aspects of the addiction, including the physical, psychological, social, and legal aspects of it.
Some of the drug addiction treatment at Shelton, Connecticut centers include individual and group therapy. This type of therapy can be used to improve and strengthen the patient’s coping mechanisms and relationships with others. It also helps to reinforce the patients’ self-esteem. This can help them maintain their sense of independence and encourage them to get out of the addiction.
The other aspect of the treatment at these centers is family therapy. This form of therapy focuses on providing treatment to family members, particularly children, who have become victims of drug abuse. Family therapy allows the patients to gain the support they need to fight against their addiction.
The drug rehabilitation program is also offered at these centers. This type of program is offered in an outpatient manner. This means that the patient who needs treatment for drug addiction can visit the center for consultation without the risk of staying overnight or moving into the facility.
The drug addiction center at Shelton, Connecticut is fully equipped to handle all types of addiction. The staff at the center makes sure that the treatment program offers comprehensive care and makes sure that the addict’s family gets the best care possible.
Treatment at the facility includes one-on-one sessions, group counseling, and outpatient therapy. The residential treatment at the center includes detoxification programs, which include a detoxification of the patient’s body from alcohol and drugs and helps them regain their equilibrium.
A residential treatment program at Shelton, Connecticut also includes therapeutic and support groups. These groups can include support groups for the family members of the patient as well as therapists.
The treatment center at the center treats patients based on their specific needs, such as drug abusers who have an addiction to alcohol and/or marijuana. The staffs at the facility provides the latest treatment programs for all types of alcoholics.
The center treats patients with a holistic approach, so that the client’s mind, body, and spirit are putting together to achieve long-term recovery. In addition, the center offers personalized treatment to its clients to make sure that each person receives the best treatment that the center can offer.
The clinical care at the center is also very good. The staff has made sure that each patient receives an individualized treatment, including both psychological and physical care.
The center also offers the most up-to-date information about drug and alcohol abuse. They provide a 24-hour hotline, support groups, and programs like “Cocaine Anonymous.” Other treatment programs include group counseling, group therapy, and group therapy.
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For Immediate Assistance
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(888) 655-1782
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