Addiction Treatment in Millbrook, Alabama
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Looking for Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab in Millbrook, Alabama?
Treatment for alcohol addiction in Millbrook, AL takes into consideration the addict’s needs and is based on an individualized plan. Treatment also includes therapy by professionals and sharing of knowledge with other addicts. This facility provides assistance and counseling for alcoholics.
Alcohol is the most popular drug consumed in the United States. Each year, thousands of people become addicted to alcohol, some through binge drinking, others as a means of relaxing and enjoying themselves. In order to control their cravings for alcohol, many people abuse prescription drugs, prescription pills and street drugs. Alcoholism is one of the more common types of addictions.
Treatment for alcohol can include detoxification and a program that help in rehabilitation. Treatment programs are often designed to help an alcoholic find a way to live without the use of alcohol. One of the first steps in treatment is detoxification. In most cases, detoxification involves an individual entering a rehabilitation center where medications are used to help the individual get clean. In some cases, a program called residential treatment is used, which means the patient goes to a residential treatment center instead of entering a rehabilitation program.
An individual who enters rehab will most likely be prescribed medications such as Methadone or Suboxone to help them stay off of alcohol. These medications are given to help with the withdrawal symptoms caused by alcohol and help people cope with the urge to drink.
The goal of treatment is to help an alcoholic get his or her life back on track by cutting the consumption of alcohol. In addition to cutting alcohol out of the addict’s life, therapy is also recommended. People in recovery often have a lot of frustration and they need to understand why they started drinking in the first place.
Therapy is also very helpful during treatment. There are many groups available to meet with during therapy sessions so that the patient can talk to others who have been through the same problems and have found a way to stop drinking. In addition to counseling and therapy, people who have overcome the addiction are often given support by family and friends to help with their recovery.
The cost of this addiction treatment in Millbrook, AL treatment program will depend on the type of addiction that is treated. Medication is often the biggest expense. Inpatient detoxification can cost thousands of dollars and usually takes three to four months to complete. Inpatient detoxification is usually provided in a medical facility and requires the addict to stay at the facility for about two weeks.
Out patient treatment can range from free to several hundred dollars. Some treatments may be covered by Medicaid or private insurance. Many addicts do not qualify for inpatient detoxification.
If an individual decides that he or she would like to seek addiction treatment in Millbrook, AL, he or she will need to fill out a brief intake form at the Addiction Services Division office. After completing the form, an addict will meet with a counselor who will discuss their situation and determine what type of treatment they will receive. The counselor will then review all of the information and recommend a treatment plan.
Treatment can include either residential treatment or outpatient treatment. Residential treatment allows the addict to live at the center while attending treatment; outpatient treatment can allow the addict to go to a group or personal counselor for one-on-one therapy.
Inpatient detoxification center can be a little more expensive but can save the addict money over time because they pay for their own accommodations while receiving treatment. They also stay at the treatment center, while the addict is getting treatment and they are under close medical supervision.
For people who decide to enter the rehab center in Millbrook, AL, they will be given a detox kit that contains everything that they will need to make it through the detoxification process. Once they enter the center, they will need to take the kit back home and use it to clean out their system.
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