Addiction Treatment in Stevenson, Connecticut
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Looking for Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab in Stevenson, Connecticut?
Addiction Treatment in Stevenson, Connecticut offers a variety of therapies that will provide the patient with the necessary tools to become sober and to live a healthy, productive life. A variety of treatments are offered for those who suffer from substance abuse, including medication rehab and psychotherapy.
Addiction treatment centers offer programs designed specifically to treat specific issues that contribute to addiction and recovery. Many facilities offer in-clinic detoxification or residential detoxification, which is a method used to detoxify an addict from all types of substances. These programs involve the detoxifying of the addict through medication detoxification in which the addict is placed under the care of a doctor for the duration of their stay. Other programs may include residential, inpatient treatment programs, which means the addict stays at one location while receiving treatment.
The treatment of alcohol rehabilitation program involves treatment for the addict’s physical, mental, and emotional issues. After detox, the addict is evaluated by a team of specialists, such as a physician, nurse, social worker, or an addiction specialist. Treatment includes medical, psychological, and spiritual therapy. Many of the programs also incorporate some type of group therapy or group work to provide the addict with an environment that will be conducive to recovery.
Addiction treatment centers offer a variety of therapies that can be used on a part-time or full-time basis. Medications may be prescribed to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms or help addicts deal with depression. Counselors are available to help individuals overcome emotional issues that may be contributing to substance abuse. Counselors are also available to help with anger management and to help individuals learn coping mechanisms. Alcoholics can also attend classes, where they learn how to avoid using substances.
The treatment of alcohol addiction at an addiction treatment center will include several areas of focus. The first area of focus is to help an addict identify and deal with addiction and its symptoms. The next area of focus is to help the individual address family dynamics and the social aspect of addiction.
Psychotherapy is another area of focus that focuses on mental health, including cognitive therapy, social skills training, and family education. Psychotherapy focuses on changing behaviors that may be causing the addict to have difficulties with their recovery. The third area of focus at an addiction treatment center is to help the patient deal with the social aspects of addiction.
Treatment at an addiction treatment center provides an addict with the knowledge and tools they need to lead a normal life. Programs offered will include education about relapse prevention, recovery, medications, and family support. They may also teach relapse control and motivation techniques, and relapse prevention.
Treatment at an addiction treatment center may not solve every issue associated with addiction but it does offer hope. The individual can return to the treatment facility, often time after time, if they are able to make positive changes.
Most treatment facilities are equipped with an on-site counselor and therapist. This will allow the addict to talk through their problems, share their feelings, and receive counseling on their own schedule. Treatment facilities also encourage referrals from friends and family to be able to provide a more thorough program for the addict.
Some treatment facilities offer other options for addiction as well. They can give referrals to recovery groups and peer support groups that are designed to provide an addict with encouragement and a forum to discuss their fears and struggles. Peer support groups are typically provided by a group of friends or a similar type of group of people who are in the same situation as the addict.
Treatment facilities that provide these types of support often work closely with the facility’s staff to ensure that the addict is comfortable and fully recovered. Staff members are trained to respond to any questions and concerns that the addict may have. They are encouraged to encourage self-examination as well.
Some treatment centers will also provide outpatient programs so that an addict can be admitted in and out of the treatment facility as needed. Inpatient rehab is also available.
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